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Modern Script

Becoming increasingly popular for brides, this script contains structured letterforms and the basics of copperplate but possesses a unique pizzaz of its own. There are not only an endless variation of styles, but each calligrapher has a different one! That's pretty cool.

Copperplate Script

When I was 12, my mom first taught me this script; It boasts of an elegant, timeless, and traditional spark for your wedding envelopes. It's incredibly unique in the sense that it can -truly- be used anywhere, for anything, anytime.

Spencerian Script

Rich in history, this script speaks of consistent rhythm and delicate shading, and also effortlessly dips into the waters of elegant flourishing. Apparently Platt Rogers Spencerian, the founder of the script in 1840, knew what he was doing. 

Mixed Script

This script mixes two different styles together - one of simplicity, and one borrowed from the modern scripts - to craft a style that says "fun, formal, and stylish."

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